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Reply To: Logitech Litra Glow (Linux Drivers)

What makes us different from other similar websites? Forums Tech Logitech Litra Glow (Linux Drivers) Reply To: Logitech Litra Glow (Linux Drivers)


How to install on later versions of Linux

$ sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/82-litra-glow.rules <<< 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="046d", ATTR{idProduct}=="c900",MODE="0666"'

$ sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/82-litra-beam.rules <<< 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="046d", ATTR{idProduct}=="c901",MODE="0666"'

$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

$ sudo udevadm trigger

$ sudo reboot

$ python3 -m venv litra

$ source litra/bin/activate

$ pip install litra-driver

$ lcui

You may use this script and make a shortcut on your panel to start the software. It may need modifying, depending on where you place the files. I out the environment in my home directory.


# Navigate to the home directory, or the directory where your virtual environment is
cd ~/litra || exit # If this fails, exit the script

# Activate the virtual environment
if [ -f "bin/activate" ]; then
. bin/activate # Use '.' (dot) instead of 'source' in sh
echo "Virtual environment not found. Exiting."
exit 1

# Run open-webui

# Notify user the server is up
echo "lcui should be opening"

The way I set it up in the launcher, on my panel is by copying the sh file and post it in the command section, with sh before the location of the file.

TAKs Shack