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What makes us different from other similar websites? › Forums › Tech › Skype on 32-bit Linux (Text Only)
Before we start this instruction guide, do note that you can always use web.skype.com for text and calling, but if you want to have Skype open with messages being able to be receaved while not on the web version of Skype, than this is for you.
1. Open Terminal.
2. mkdir Skype-Pidgin
3. sudo apt-get install pidgin -y
4. cd Skype-Pidgin
5. wget https://tinyurl.com/y7hpt54c
6. mv y7hpt54c skype-purple.deb
7. wget https://tinyurl.com/ydxozta5
8.mv ydxozta5 skypeweb.deb
9. dkpg -i skypeweb.deb
10. dpkg -i skype-purple.deb
11. rm skypeweb.deb
12. rm skype-purple.deb
13. cd ..
14. rmdir Skype-Pidgin
15. exit
16. open Pidgin and add your Skype account.