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Webcam Settings (Xubuntu)

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  • #1732

    1. Open Terminal Emulator.
    2. cd /tmp/
    3. wget https://github.com/webcamoid/webcamoid/releases/download/8.7.1/webcamoid-installer-8.7.1-x86_64.run
    4. sudo thunar /tmp/
    5. sudo chmod +x webcamoid-installer-8.7.1-x86_64.run
    6. sudo thunar /tmp/
    7. Click webcamoid-installer-8.7.1-x86_64.run to install.
    8. After install, close thunar.
    9. Return to Terminal Emulator and run the following command, sudo apt-get install v4l2loopback-dkms -y
    10. Configure a virtual camera in webcamdroid and restart your video streaming (or chatting) applications.

    If you can not get step 3 to work, visit this site. https://webcamoid.github.io/

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