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Antivirus (Debian/Ubuntu/Xubuntu) Free

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  • #1935

    If you need an antivirus for Linux, which most users do not, then run the following command in Terminal Emulator.

    sudo apt install clamav clamtk


    How to do a full system scan with ClamTK. Note: It is unlikely that you will have viruses outside your home folder, as that would require root. Also, note that viruses are less common with Linux, when compared to other operating systems.

    1. Open ClamTK.


    How to scan the system with terminal emulator

    Install antivirus
    $ sudo apt install clamav

    Update database
    $ sudo freshclam

    Scan the whole system with information being displayed
    $ clamscan -r -v --bell -i --exclude-dir="/sys" /


    If you want to create a full system log (and have it save a text file with the results), you can run the following command. Note, this will scan the whole system (with no indication it is running besides your fans might ramp up, if you have any) and create a text file for viewing any infected files, if any are found.

    $ clamscan -r -v --bell -i --exclude-dir="/sys" / > clamscan-results.txt

    Another command you could run is …
    ‘$ clamscan -r / –log=scan_results.txt’

    Do not open the txt file before it is complete. I would open it in an advanced text editor like sublime (https://www.sublimetext.com/) and search for the word FOUND. This will show you which files it found. You may also run the following command below to have terminal show you any files it finds that are infected.

    $ grep "FOUND" scan_results.txt

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by thumbtak. Reason: Added another command and more info
    • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by thumbtak. Reason: Updated grep command
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