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Can’t run apt-get upgrade – Getting stuck in reading logs? [Parrot OS]

What makes us different from other similar websites? Forums Tech Can’t run apt-get upgrade – Getting stuck in reading logs? [Parrot OS]

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  • #7095

    If anyone is having issues updating Parrot OS, you can run the following commands, and make the following changes, to fix the issues. This is a bug in Parrot OS.

    $ sudo apt-get remove apt-listchanges
    $ sudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list.d/parrot.list
    deb http://mirrors.mit.edu/parrot/ rolling main contrib non-free

    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo parrot-upgrade
    $ sudo apt autoremove

    Note: You might not have mousepad installed. This is a text editor I prefer. If you want to install it, run the following command.

    $ sudo apt install mousepad -y

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